Event Schedule 2019/2020

Sweden and Europe
26/6 Lecture, Skövde Municipality
27/6 Lecture, Bjerkinge, Stockholm
28/8 Lecture, Uppsala Municipality
29/8 Lecture, Kumla Municipality
3/9 Lecture, Kungälv Municipality
4/9 Lecture, Traffic planning agency of Gothenburg.
19/9 Lecture, Clean water Academy
23/9 International seminar: Landscape, city and public space, Ostrava, Czech Republic
25/9 Designing Blue Green Grey Systems, Jablonec nad Nisou
25/9 Lecture, JM Urban development days, Nacka
9/10 Urbanscapes, Ostrava, Czech Republic
24/10 Conference, Green Blue Black Grey solutions in the circular city, Malmö
7/11 Lecture, Clean water academy
14/11 Lecture, Clean water academy
9-10/1 Vinterfrossa, Stockholm
5/2 BEUM, Malmö
11/2 The Swedish Tree Association , Gothenburg
18/2 The Swedish Tree Association , Stockholm
19/2 The Swedish Tree Association, Umeå