Rapport: Mikroklimat och värmeöar ur ett urbant landskapsperspektiv
Nu finns MUKLIS-rapporten Mikroklimat och värmeöar ur ett urbant landskapsperspektiv tillgänglig för nedladdning. Med hänsyn till de pågående klimatförändringarna och de förödande konsekvenser som kan kopplas till ökade urbana temperaturer behöver kunskapen kring värmereducerande åtgärder belysas, lyftas och tillämpas. Urbana miljöer bör i ett tidigt skede planeras...
Česká verze příručky k Bluegreengrey systémům je venku!
Všímáme si, že nejen ve Švédsku, ale i v České republice modrozelená infrastruktura zažívá svůj postupný rozvoj. Zvlášť v posledních letech česká města intenzivněji uplatňují nově získané znalosti v praxi. Důkazem toho jsou první realizované projekty, které ukazují jak lze efektivně propojit funkce výsadby stromů, hospodaření s...
Release of Film about multifunctional urban stormwater management
Buckle up, its movie Time! Tune in to learn more about multifunctional urban stormwater management!
Blue-Green-Grey – Expansion pack available!
We are happy to announce that an extention pack to our bluegreengrey manual is now ready to order in Swedish.
Norra Infarten: Inside the BlueGreenGrey system
In this short article we would like to share with you a bit closer look on some of the moments from construction process of BGG systems.
Event Schedule
Do you want to learn more about BlueGreenGrey? We believe in sharing knowledge and inspiring ideas. See this schedule for upcoming events!
Blue-Green Guided Tour: From Roof to Ground
In collaboration between edge and Scandinavian Green Roof Institute we are proud to announce a Blue-Green Guided Tour in Malmö!
#bluegreengrey systems at Vårdsätravägen, Rosendal
Rosendal's street Vårdsätravägen is an example of a street that is aesthetically pleasing and raises its ecological value.
#bluegreengrey systems at Kungstorpsvägen, Höllviken
Kungstorpsvägen in Höllviken has been reconstructed with new #bluegreengrey system as a central part of the project.
#bluegreengrey manual 2.0 is now available!
Livable Streets – A Handbook of Bluegreengrey Systems is now available both in English and Swedish.
Stadsvatten – den outnyttjade resursen
I våra städer finns det mängder av outnyttjade vattenresurser som kan omhändertas och integreras i cirkulära flöden och hållbara system. Vi delar med oss av stadsvattnets potential i ett informationsblad och bjuder in till en förstudie på ämnet.
Urban space as carbon sink
Did you know that you can reduce carbon emissions as early as during the building process? This can be achieved by using carbon-negative material that also significantly improves soil conditions for the vegetation. Biochar is what makes it possible.
Conference Livable ’scapes! – goes online!
Edge is hosting an online conference on livable 'scapes during the 4th of September 2020. The conference is about developing livability in sustainable urban development. Interesting lectures will be held about livable and multifunctional streets, storm water management and use of Biochar in urban design.
Water Sensitive Neighbourhood
Today Denmark is undergoing major climate adaptation processes where Blue-Green Infrastructure is integral part of cities’ planning toolbox. This research paper examines Danish practice that has set an example on how cities world-wide can use holistic and integrated planning methods that employ nature-based technologies and optimize investments...
Root zones and drainage solutions for sports lawns
The demands on high-quality sport lawns have increased the last decades. Positive attributes in sport lawns which are aimed for is for example how fast the surface becomes playable after rain, how it resists fungal attacks and winter injuries.
Neptunigatan published in Czech Architecture Magazine
We are happy to see that Neptunigatan in Malmö gets attention from all over the world. The Czech Architecture Magazine ERA21 published an article about the project in their latest issue #05 2019 Modrá krajina - Blue Landscape.
#bluegreengrey systems in Vellinge
Like many other towns, the population of Vellinge is continuously increasing, and all the functions has to expand to accommodate the growing needs. Traffic should run smoothly, energy and water should be distributed and at the same time people should have access to attractive green spaces.
#bluegreen street Neptunigatan, Malmö
The new blue-green street, Neptunigatan, has been created in Malmö to link the old city center and the newly developed district of Västra hamnen. Neptunigatan is the first phase of an extensive project named Gäddorna, which aims to transform public areas into multifunctional streetscapes.
New smart district Rosendal in Uppsala
Rosendal is going to be a new district for a new city part of Uppsala called Södra Staden. It is going to be one of most innovative Swedish districts where several new ideas and technologies related to sustainable urban development and ecosystem services are going to be...
#bluegreengrey street Strandbogatan in Uppsala
Strandbogatan is one of the first streets in Uppsala that collects rainwater on site. This eases pressure on the city’s sewer infrastructure, which otherwise gets overloaded handling extreme rainfall.
#bluegreengrey systems at Vellinge Campus
The Campus in Vellinge combines livable streets, housing areas, and #bluegreengrey systems into what is becoming the new highlight of the area.
#bluegreengrey systems at Rundelsgatan in Vellinge
Rundelsgatan in Vellinge is a residential street that consists of a sidewalk and car lanes. Residents use the street in their everyday lives while driving or walking their kids to the local kindergarden.
Event Schedule 2019/2020
We are happy to travel near and far around the world to lecture about #bluegreengrey systems. See the schedule below for upcoming events.
Grönblå infrastruktur – hållbar dagvattenhantering i gaturum
Flera faktorer har lett fram till att vi behöver en mer hållbar hantering av dagvattnet i våra städer. Samtidigt kräver vår komplexa stadsmiljö flexibla, multifunktionella lösningar, för att få ner kostnaderna och få platsen att räcka till. Genom att integrera Grönblå infrastruktur i gaturummet skapar man en...
#bluegreengrey Workshop in Prague
It was a great honor to be invited to Czech Republic where topics like climate resilience and water sensitive approach are getting on their agenda.